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January 5, 2005

'Trick Your Way Into Her Panties' Veal

bartjessica.gifSo you’ve tricked that hot chick who works in the cube next to you into a date, and, loser that you are, have no cash for the necessary culinary and movie arrangements. No problem, you say to yourself, I’ll show that I’m a modern sensitive guy by cooking a romantic candle-lit dinner for two, after which we can watch Simpsons reruns.

Well baby, with a classy broad like this you better not be making mac and cheese. I don’t care if it’s the deluxe kind and you’re using real butter instead of margarine. For this delicate seduction you’re gonna have to break out the Trick Your way Into her Panties French Veal in Tarragon Cream Sauce

  • In a large, deep pan, sauté up in butter- compound butter if you can- three minced garlic cloves and a large diced onion. Toss in a cup and a half of sliced mushrooms, a huge handful of fresh chopped tarragon leaves, and two basil leaves.

  • Move all this to one side. Flour six veal cutlets and brown them on the bottom of the pan. Spread them over with the veggies and cover halfway with white wine.

  • Let the whole thing simmer for a while, flipping the veal every 7 mins or so. When its all cooked down (20 mins) remove it from the heat and stir in half a cup of heavy whipping cream and some salt and pepper.

The only way to serve this is with some crusty bread and an ingratiating smile. Do it right and maybe she wont walk out on you before you suggest the Simpsons.

Posted by zaf at January 5, 2005 10:59 AM


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Sorry, the onion beat you to it. See last three paragraphs.

Posted by: anonymous coward at January 5, 2005 9:58 PM

(of this -- I guess your comments don't allow links)

Posted by: anonymous coward at January 5, 2005 9:58 PM

Hehe, indeed. And to think I let myself be seduced with the help of chicken soup and Monty Python episodes. Thanks anonymous!

Posted by: zaf at January 5, 2005 10:12 PM


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