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June 2, 2005

Time To Eat The Donuts

At the risk of mixing up our donut chains' slogans, we at DCFud want to let you know that tomorrow is DONUT DAY over at Krispy Kreme. The chain is usually pretty generous when it comes to handing out their sweet treats when the "Hot" light is lit, but this time you can actually branch out beyond the glazed flavor. Any visitor tomorrow gets a free donut: any time of day, any flavor.

Krispy Kreme has locations scattered throughout the area, including Alexandria, Rockville, and the one right at Dupont Circle near the Metro Station. Expect lines to be long, but it could be worse - at least you're not showing up the day of one of their infamous store openings, when people camp out the night before for a shot at a year's supply!

Posted by mjf at June 2, 2005 2:40 PM


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Any flavor, that's a great deal.
I was #6 in line when they opened in Dupont. So now I get a dozen doughnuts a month, but it's only good for glazed (they give the option of paying $1 to get another variety, but do they really think that the kind of person who is willing to sit for about 10 hours for free food is gonna want to shell out cash?).
Now I'll finally be able to try another flavor.

Posted by: Av at June 3, 2005 12:05 PM


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