• 13Jan

    ComputerMonitor.gifApparently, last Wednesday was De-Lurking Day — at least so according to the food-loving DCFoodies.com. Since over here at DCFUD we’re always a bit behind schedule, we’re declaring today and tomorrow DCFUD de-lurking days.
    We know you’re out there. We can read server logs. We see you floating in from various government agencies, reputable (and not so reputable) publications, and corporations and non-profit organizations whose acronyms we can’t even begin to decipher.
    We’re not asking you to unmask your identity. But we are flesh and blood and we, too, crave love. So if you’ve been enjoying DCFUD the last few months, have been hating DCFUD the last few months, or just stumbled upon us today, please leave us a note in the comments. Let us know your favorite restaurant in the D.C. metropolitan area, offer suggestions on spices, or simply say “Hi, DCFUDders!” But please let us know you’re out there!
    On a related note, DCFUD needs some new writers. We’ll probably post more on this in the coming days, but if you like what you’ve seen here and want to contrinbute, send an email to dcfud.writers@gmail.com with an example or two of writing you’ve done (nothing formal necessary) and/or some topics you’d like to post on. This is, of course, unpaid. But it gives you a good excuse to eat out and try new recipies. Plus, you can claim you’re a blogger within the great Smorgasblog family of bloggers. It’s a great way to pickup guys or girls at your local hipster party. Really. I swear.

    Permalink Filed under: Etc

7 Responses

  • Hi to all!
    This old retired “left coaster” doesn’t make it to DC anymore and in real life made it there only on business that allowed a fast in and out with lunch at the NASA cafe. As a stay at home “go fer” and cook for a still working wife, I am always looking for good stuff to cook.
    Got here via “Ranble On” where she commented about
    your Trick Your Way Into Her Panties’ Veal. Always a way to get a guy interested in cooking.

  • hi-i fear i may be one of the lurkers form a gov’t org, but i come in peace, i swear! just wanted to let you know i definitely enjoy the site. 🙂

  • Come in peace, do you, government worker-person? I personally think they sent you after reading the post entitled “Salad Dressing So Good It May Endanger National Security.”

  • Love the site. Restaurant reviews, recipes,…it’s great. Not sure my favorite eatery…maybe Cashions.

  • Greetings DCFUDders,
    Site found, the long way, through serendipity and a conversation at a Metro stop, honestly. I don’t have the culinary gene, but enjoy reading nonetheless.
    Current favorite restaurant? Um, I will go with Pasta Plus in Laurel, which is far afield for most, but I live far afield, so, yeah.

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