I’d like to take a moment for the really odd strings that readers enter into search engines to get here. Just from this last day or two, a couple of my favorites:
- Is soho a train
- Fire Marshall Bill
- babies cooked in china
- girls in white shirts
I’d like to take a moment for the really odd strings that readers enter into search engines to get here. Just from this last day or two, a couple of my favorites:
5 Responses
I am a techno-nerd. How does one ascertain such things? Where would one look to find this data?
Ah, nothing particularly high tech here, click the little rainbow graphic at the bottom of the left column for our daily stats.
According to this, we are #10 on Google for “flakey skin on persian cat.”
I think our work here is done.
Cooking a persian cat would indeed fix its flaky skin problems.
Cat meat is great in dumplings. So says my manicurist. Then again, she also says she’s a direct desendent of Marco Polo.