2 Responses

  • There is a solution to the turmeric stain. There is a product called X-14 (scary) which you can find at your local supermarket. It is labeled for “mildew removal and prevention” and it’s a nasty bleaching solution for use on tile.
    Spritz a little on the stain and wipe it up as soon as the stain fades or it will start to bleach the counter. Don’t get any on your skin.
    It’s pulled up stains that have been in the apartment longer than I have.

  • You can add major flavor to your couscous by preparing the grains as follows:
    Measure desired ammount of dry couscous (rosting your own bulgur is of course preferred, but it is also a pain) onto a good sized square of cheesecloth. Tie up into a bag (pulling the four corners up together, etc.), with plenty of extra room above the couscous.
    When you have about 10 minutes left on your simmering pot of broth, add the bag of couscous (if possible, it should be suspended – not in the liquid, but in the steam – if not, only leave in 5 minutes).
    The steam will cook the couscous, and infuse it with the essence of whatever you’re going to use to top it.

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