• 15Feb

    pic-grill.jpeFor those of us without a car, Old Glory in Georgetown is probably the best “metro-accessible” place to go for barbeque within the city limits. True, that’s not saying a lot – DC is in total only 69 square miles – smaller than some New Jersey malls – and barbeque is hardly city food. Nevertheless, a few days ago found us in Georgetown demanding some pulled pork and it was either that or subvert our cravings to yet another Ben and Jerry’s run.
    The interior is relaxed, rough-western style. It’s cute without dipping so far as a TGI Fridays or Cracker Barrel. Tables on both floors are equipped with abundant napkins and hot sauces.
    On this particular trip, wings came first. Wings always come first. This place knows its wings and does them well – either as traditional buffalo wings or as buttermilk marinated pit-grilled wings. Sweet tea was acceptable, but not great. Next, we grabbed a OG Combo – one dish easily does for two – and chewed our way through a lackluster barbequed chicken, a soggy, tasteless pile of Carolina Pulled Pork, and a dry but very tasty couple of slices of Hand Sliced Brisket.
    I can’t say it’s the epitome of a culinary experience, but Old Glory will get you full and satisfy a barbeque craving that’s looking for quantity over quality. I hear the bar is great, but can’t vouch for it personally – anyone who wants to give it a shot will have to crowd surf over a fashionable barricade of Urban Outfitters-clad college kids. Anyway, the wings are good.

6 Responses

  • For Metro accessible BBQ, I might have another recommendation. I had my first dining experience at Capital BBQ in the Chinatown/MCI Center area last week. A friend and I were going there specifically for the smoked sausage which is shipped in from the Hill Country in Texas (the Mecca of Texas BBQ). They unfortunately didn’t have any that day (their shipment didn’t come in), so we ended up with brisket sandwiches instead. I was very impressed with how tender the brisket was. It also had a lovely pink ring around the edge of the slices (the smoke ring means quality!). We’re going back today for sausage!

  • Can’t claim to be a bbq expert, but I always enjoy Red Hot & Blue, and it has restaurants at both the Clarendon and Courthouse stops. And come on, you can’t claim that’s a less objectionable location that Georgetown.

  • Interesting. I’ve eaten at Red, Hot & Blue a couple of times and always been disappointed. It’s decent, but nothing spectacular. I’d say I’m more of a fan of Rockville’s Urban BBQ (By twinbrook metro) than Red, Hot & Blue, although the former is less of a sit-down place and while their meat is excellent, their sauces are I’ve also been unimpressed with Capital Q the two times I’ve been there).
    In D.C., Rocklands BBQ is still the winner by far, but is a pain in the rear to reach.

  • I discovered a second Rocklands on Wilson Blvd. between Virginia Sq. and Ballston on the Orange Line. Beats taking the D2 bus.

  • Rocklands in Georgetown is no less Metro accessible than Old Glory. You take any of the the N or D from Dupont or any 30 from tenleytown or points south and east.

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