• 23Feb

    Not sure what you’re doing tonight? I’ll tell you what you’re doing tonight, you’re going to Cafe Saint-Ex for Bluestate to watch DCFUD bloggers nm and rj3 get their groove on. Oh yes you are.
    zaf and amg will be the two kids ogling the beer while morosely sipping diet soda.


    Permalink Filed under: Etc

4 Responses

  • Atkins claims diet soda must be made with splenda and few are except for Diet Rite – he says aspartame somehow sabotages low carb and recommends club soda with lemon. Don’t know what South Beach says on the subject.

  • 2 things from personal experience:
    1. Diet Coke hasn’t affected my weight loss on south beach.
    2. Club soda and vodka w/ lime tastes awful.
    3. Don’t drink six of them. SB kills your tolerance.

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