• 23Feb


    splenda2.jpgWell, not exactly. But perhaps we can take credit for starting a trend. The Washington Post‘s food section this week has a feature on our favorite topic, that scandalous sweetener, Splenda. The article details the substance’s recent popularity and resulting shortage and scandal. It also urges curious consumers to judge for themselves by visiting Splenda’s own site and www.truthaboutsplenda.com.

  • 23Feb


    splenda2.jpgWell, not exactly. But perhaps we can take credit for starting a trend. The Washington Post‘s food section this week has a feature on our favorite topic, that scandalous sweetener, Splenda. The article details the substance’s recent popularity and resulting shortage and scandal. It also urges curious consumers to judge for themselves by visiting Splenda’s own site and www.truthaboutsplenda.com.

  • 23Feb

    Rheb's Candy from Wilkens AvenueBeing newly single and having a tough time slogging through the transition between coupledom to a swingin’ single lifestyle, I decided the best solution would be to self-medicate my romantical wounds. My preferred drug would be potent, provide an instant hit and be readily available. Solution: chocolate. And what could be more deliciously, creamily, dreamily ironic than drowning my sorrows in leftover, cut-priced Valentine’s Day chocolates.
    I was talking to an acquaintance whose husband was a native “Baltimoron” (her term, not mine) and she started waxing poetic about Rheb’s, a Baltimore institution that she described as “a little house where little old ladies make chocolate all day.” What could be more comforting than little old ladies making chocolate all day? It sounded like Willy Wonka minus the kids drowning in chocolate rivers and moralism. I had to go.
    Following my meticulous directions, I traveled I-95 to exit 50B, took a left on Rheb's retail storefrontWilkens Avenue and promptly drove right by the store. The actual retail store is set back from the road a bit on Bloomfield Avenue. The red neon sign has a hard time casting off the shadows of the hulk of St. Agnes Hospital directly across the street. What you might notice from the road is a neat little house with a sign out front that says “Louis J. Rheb Candy Company Chocolates and Candies Since 1917.” This is where all the candy-making magic happens, and where I suspect they are hiding all the little old ladies because I didn’t see any on my visit.
    The business is family-run in the best way possible. On my visit, a boy and his posse were skulking around the counter waiting to snag his mom’s attention to get permission to watch a movie with his buds and get some popcorn money. I smiled and felt at home because it reminded me of being in middle school, except similar scenes in my life didn’t play out with massive amounts of goodies around me.

    Read the rest of this entry »

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  • 22Feb

    f0820045158m.jpgYou never have to search for the famous Greek Deli in the oddly-named Golden Triangle district of D.C. Simply turn onto 19th St. between L & M and look for the line that extends out into the street. And every one of the people standing the line walk away happy to have waited 10 minutes for the best take-out lunch in the area.
    Greek Deli is nestled in an incredibly small storefront, maybe 9 feet wide, hidden in between the two sides of Nooshi. It’s a take-out only joint that’s open for breakfast and lunch and serves greek and mediterranean food – about 15-20 options sold it various combinations depending on what’s on the menu. Normal options include mousaka, greek chicken, lamb, gyros, and greek salads, served with sides of green beans and orzo. The man behind it all, known to his customers as Kostas, always works behind the counter yelling out to his clients to get their orders and then barking details to his assistants in the back.
    The food is superb. I’m a huge fan of the chicken and green beans or the gyro, but I’ve never heard anyone complain about anything the’ve gotten there. And a former colleague of mind swears by their breakfast pita. So next time you’re tromping around golden triangle trying to decide between Cosi, Corner Bakery, or Chipotle, take a quick turn and grab some authentic greek food from Kostas.
    Greek Deli | 1120 19th St. NW | Washington, DC | 202-296-2111

  • 22Feb

    cheesecake.jpgToday’s Haiku:
    ‘Eat me’ tempts a pear
    But your evil taunting cries
    Won’t change your carb count
    Yesterday’s menu:
    Big salad with blue cheese and steak, a bag of almonds, two slices of turkey, and a Chipotle Buritto Bol sans corn.
    I feel:
    Lighter but craving. I honest to god had a dream about cake last night- It was one of the more disturbing things ever. This is a hell of a lot of work for the 2 measly pounds I’m down.
    Recipe: South Beach-Safe Cheesecake

    • Beat together two eight ounce packages of softened lowfat cream cheese, sixteen packets of Splenda, and

  • 22Feb

    ch04.jpgTo get in, see The Gates instilation, buy comic books, and get out of NYC in 22 hours is a feat unto itself. To do it all in a snowstorm is admirable. To do it all while gracefully dodging carbs is an art form. With 8 days still to go on South Beach I

  • 21Feb

    BubbleTea.gifThe Supergiant Asian grocery stores of Rockville, sized to put a Superfresh to shame, are an absolute playground. But if you

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  • 18Feb

    IMG_1276.jpgToday’s haiku:
    Chocolate cake dancing
    Over rolling muffin hills
    The alarm clock rings
    Yesterday’s menu
    A whole green pepper, half a bag of almonds, half a cucumber, three-cheese omelet with mushrooms. Roasted Chickpeas, and a big old chunk of mahi-mahi. And some more almonds. And peanuts.
    I feel:
    Carb craving, but full. You can say this about South Beach, you can’t eat anything tasty but at least you don

  • 18Feb

    picsideways2.jpgSo apparently I’m not the only person who saw Sideways and immediately went out to try a Pinot Noir. Much thanks to Amalglife for spotting this article in the Washington Post about skyrocketing Pinot Noir sales from movie publicity.
    Apparently more than half the wine sales at Firefly (1310 New Hampshire Ave.) this season were Pinot Noirs…. i still prefer something that doesn’t taste sour the second you eat it with food tho.

  • 17Feb

    eggs.bmpToday’s haiku:
    In omelets or poached
    no matter how many eggs,
    I miss my pasta
    Yesterday’s menu:
    Three hard boiled eggs, a piece of turkey, decaf tea with splenda and low carb creamer, a chunk of lowfat cheese, a whole lot of pecans. A garlic/5-spice steak, saut

    Permalink Filed under: Etc, Recipes 1 Comment

