• 04Feb

    glass.jpeTrying to get the bitter taste of our new McCarthy-esque political climate out of your head? If you don

  • 03Feb

    soup.jpeIt’s salty and tastes like chicken. You really shouldn’t need any other excuse to make home-style chicken soup, but here’s a top 5 list just in case you aren’t convinced:

    1. As mentioned a couple days ago, it cures colds. No really, inflammations of the nasal passages are soothed by scalded rooster.
    2. It’s the number one comfort food in the US, apparently. Right next to a good naan bread, I’m sure.

    3. There are starving kids in new Jersey. Eat your soup.

    Alright nevermind, I just got bored of that list. Here’s the recipe for extremely inexact, home-style soup. If you want scientific measurements, this isn’t the recipe for you. The idea is just to add stuff ’till it looks right and then heat it ’till it stops poisoning you.

    • In a big ‘ol pot, stick: four or so chicken thighs and legs w/ skin, about four sticks of chunked celery with the tops on, four (give or take) chunked carrots, maybe two large chopped onions, a chopped parsnip of any size, and a handful of fresh dill weed. I mean it about the parsnip. Toss in plenty of chicken broth.
    • Cover and simmer for, say, 3 hours. Or so. Fish out the bones and skim off the fat. Eat what’s left over.
  • 02Feb

    cc-cow.gifTo fast food critics, I say: there’s a time and a place for fast food. That is, when I’m hungry, in my stomach. But even without this highly-ambitious criteria it would be nice to think that we’re in the middle of a fast food renaissance.
    Imagine a world where ‘fast food’ becomes synonymous with food that’s better when cooked fresh and fast. Burritos, crepes, pizzas, salads, sushi, all of these are at their apex when tossed together last minute. Bad fast food is the result when freeze-drying and preservatives must be used to force “quickness” on non-intuitive foods. When the last time you saw a roast chicken put together on a moments notice? No? then it shouldn

  • 01Feb

    The How to Tofu post, the recent NYT article on tofu and our recent wintry weather all directed me to wipe the road salt off the windshield of my car and drive to Annandale. Vit Goel, roughly translated as Lighthouse Tofu & BBQ on its bright blue awning, is a cozy, country-style Korean eatery. From the honey-colored tables and wooden floors, traditional faux rice paper-covered walls and a hanoak-style facade, the restaurant strives for a down-to-earth appeal. Quick and casual, you’ll be surrounded by tables crowded with Korean families and friends enjoying a no-fuss meal of soon dubu.
    Avoiding the encyclopedic, leather-bound menus you

  • 01Feb

    IMG_1261.jpgNot enough that your food should be lukewarm, filling, and vaguely tasty? The true connoisseur requires more out of her dinner- she requires

