Your humble Chicago correspondant picked up some frozen dosas at a grocery on Devon Avenue, the main drag for Indian and traditional Jewish products around here. They look like this:
Dosariffic, right? Take a look at this detail from the bottom right of the box:
What the heck is “sluffy”?
3 Responses
According to my indian gibberish – english dictionary, it was supposed to say “fluffy.” Though as a certified south indian, i prefer my dosas sluffy.
Do sluffy clouds float in the sky over India?
Thattu Dosa means “food exfoliation.” You take a Dosa, apply a teaspoon of chutney and scrub your face. The enzyme in the mango acts like a natural peel and the wholegrain gently removes deadened skin. Maybe I’m wrong…
Washington Cube Was Here. #61.