In our usual self-congratulatory fashion, we’re proud to announce that today is the second anniversary of the Smorgasblog Media Empire, the very loose comglomerate of blogs encompassing DCFUD, Thrown for a Loop, Live from the Third Rail, and two blogs emeritus: DCSOB and Pretending Along.
So thanks to all our loyal readers who’ve been with us since the beginning, back in the days when rj3 almost got fired for his personal blogging and decided that, in retaliation, we should create the “Venn diagram of group blogs”. And Smorgasblog was born.
Since then, rj3 has resigned as DCSOB and moved on to the windy city, taking his blog with him. Zaf came along and started DCFUD. And the rest is, well, history.
We couldn’t have done it without our loyal writers (on the sidebar), including stand-up stand-in editor mjf. So thanks to everyone.
And in our continual spirit of slowly taking over an incredibly small corner of the blog-o-sphere, we’re always interested in looking for more bloggers and group blogs. If you have an idea for a great group blog or are interested in joining as a writer for DCFUD or another blog, feel free to drop us a line. Direct emails to the address, as we’re too lazy to open another gmail account at the moment.
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