• 31Aug

    kangaroo_patties.jpgIt’s juicy and delicious! It’s environmentally sound and low in calories! Yes, to everyone who wanted to know where to buy Kangaroo when we ran the initial article a couple months ago, your entreaties have been heard!
    I swear I searched for hours with no luck, when apparently all I should have done was try the simplest URL I could think of. The aptly-named Exotic Meats store (www.exoticmeats.com) have all the Kangaroo muscle protein you desire. As long as what you desire are patties and sausages.
    Now, granted, those may indeed be two of the best ways to experience these bouncy marsupials, but if you were hoping for a long-legged steak, you’re still out of luck. In which case, allow me to suggest some antelope, elk, caribou, or rattlesnake- all of which can be provided here. Hey, is that an alligator/crocodile sampler? Well, I didn’t want to pay rent this month anyway.
    It looks like shipping to DC is expensive but it could be worse- I say group up with some friends and place one large order, then split the shipping costs. Don’t have any friends? Buy some.
    Update: Between the time I wrote this and the time I’m posting it, they just started offering Kangaroo Striploin, which I think is a lovely, delicate, and most importantly, un-ground muscle (someone correct me?). So now you really don’t have any excuse.

3 Responses

  • Aren’t kangaroos cute, though?
    I have a hard time eating cute animals.
    (but is it yummy?)

  • So you don’t eat lamb, then? And chickens are really cute when they’re young. Don’t trust an animal just ’cause it’s got a PR agent.
    Fact is, Kangaroos aren’t actually cute- they’re huge-ass rats with tails who’ll kick your stomach through your spine given half a chance. And they taste delicious. See that older article for more ranting.

  • But the kangaroo in the old Sylvester cartoons was pretty danged adorable…especially when he beat the snot out of that cat.
    I guess it’s not about PR, it’s about cartoon reruns.

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