The fine folks at Washington DC’s Convention and Tourism Corporation are usually a good place to go for information about the upcoming Restaurant Week. On their site, they’re linking to – which, the fine folks at Network Solutions tells us is either going to be renewed, or deleted, but gives us no further info on RW07.
Remember kids, always check your links, and don’t forget to renew your domains! Not every bit of mail from a domain registrar is spam, you know?
It just seems like it.
6 Responses
Hmmm….like a certain guest writer of ours.
Check the link on the previous article. 
And, it appears, food writer Tom Sietsema didn’t get the message, either:
From his chat today:
Arlington, Va.: Hi Tom! I’m new in town, and am hoping you can confirm or deny something I heard from a friend. Is there a restaurant week sometime in January/February like the one that was held in August? When will restaurants announce if they’re participating?
Tom Sietsema: Yep, diners can once again experience nearly 200 restaurants for a bargain $20.07 at lunch and $30.07 at dinner the week of January 8-14. A complete list of participants is available at
If you want a list of participating restaurants, go to – they have what seems to be a full list, or at least what places do reservations through OT.
You can also find the full list at
I’ve been using the list at Bookmark this one, people! It gets updated twice a year, about three weeks before RW.
Our bad… the link should go to Apologies to all we’ve led astray!!!
Respect you!Added to favorites!!Nice site!
This is my site: