• 14Apr

    I’ve just read an interesting article that suggests soy burgers contain neurotoxins.  To ensure the smallest amount of fat in their products, soy beans are often soaked in hexane.  Apparently every major producer of veggie burger products uses the hexane technique and it is known to have caused the death of at least one person – when the chemical was used to clean screens at Apple Computers.

    Take this information for what you will; either you believe everything you come in contact with is going to kill you eventually or you want to minimize the hazards you come in contact with.  Either way, I think this is interesting information.  Is nothing healthy and sacred anymore?


3 Responses

  • AEK, you saw the update, right? -JAY


    “Update: Looks like I got spoofed: this study turns out to have been funded by an anti-vegetarian, pro-meat lobbying group, the Weston A Price Foundation. These are also the folks who say lard is good for you. Maybe the science is good, maybe it isn’t (read the comments for good debate on it), but I sure feel a lot more suspicious about it than I did this morning.

    (Thanks, Xeni!) “

  • Thanks. I did see the article this morning, but thought this might generate some discussion. And, I may be wrong, but is lard ever bad for you?

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