• 13Feb

    Technically, minestrone is any thick soup containing vegetables, beans, and pasta or rice. This variation is seasoned not with the usual Italian herbs but with worcestershire sauce and chili powder. Veggie worcestershire sauce may be found for those who don’t care for anchovies; I get mine at Whole Foods, it’s got a fearsome-looking wizard on the label.
    6 c water
    2 c tomato juice
    2/3 cup cooked beans (navy beans, kidney beans, garbanzos all work fine)
    1 coarsely chopped onion
    1 Tbsp salt
    2-3 Tbsp worcestershire sauce
    1/4 tsp chili powder
    2 bay leaves
    2 Tbsp lemon juice (optional)
    carrots, potatoes, peas, green beans, corn, whatever
    If you use dried beans, pre-soak them overnight. Cook the beans at least an hour, then add tomato juice, onion, and seasonings. Cover and simmer somewhere around 30 minutes. Add veggies by texture (carrots first, peas and corn last), cover and simmer for another hour. Add the lemon juice and macaroni in the final 10 minutes. This soup tastes better the day after it is prepared.

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