• 14Feb

    1236503-0-m.jpgThis recipe is in tribute to the book Masters of Deceit: What the Communist Bosses are Doing Now to Bring America to its Knees, a 1957 rant against socialists in America and their use of pornography, atheism, and minority civil rights (among other nefarious activities) to prepare us for the Soviet takeover.
    It contains useful hints on identifying which of your friends may be a Russian spy and what you as a loyal patriot should do if your local newspaper is taken over by fanatical comrades. The author? Everyone

2 Responses

  • zaf, it warms my heart that this book is being put to good use. It was purchased at a tiny consignment shop in southern California, where I found it adjacent to Abbie Hoffman’s “Steal This Book.” The irony was too much to bear; I had to get both. Coming soon to dcfud–how to steal from supermarkets.

  • Yep, I have you to thank both for my hysterical giggling and for the many odd looks I got on the metro this morning. You rock.

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