The controversy over Splenda is taking D.C. by storm, and we’re not just talking about our website.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, the National Grange and the U.S. Sugar Association held a press conference at the National Press Club downtown this morning to discuss concern among consumer groups about Splenda’s advertising claims.
In a statement, CSPI executive director Michael Jacobson calls Splenda’s advertising claims “misleading” and says the company should be more upfront about the substance’s relationship to sugar.
“Splenda’s artificiality may present a marketing challenge, but that’s not an excuse to confuse consumers and lead them to believe that Splenda is natural or in any way related to sugar,” Jacobson said in the release.
Our Splenda-obsessed writers will keep you updated on the fallout from this latest segment of the saga.
6 Responses
On one hand, it would be nice to think these folks have better stuff to do. On the other hand, I eat enough splenda that I guess I should know if it’s gonna make me grow an extra eye or tentacles or something. Not that I’d stop using it, I just wanna know so I wont be surprised.
When they say Splenda is “made from sugar” that just means that sugar is the starting material that with a few chemical processes is synthesized into splenda. Is it “made from sugar” like a house is made from bricks? No. Is it made from sugar like herion is made from opium? Probably. It is easier to synthesize a molecule from a similar one that already exists. To switch one trans-methyl group to a cis-methyl group, and then switch that cis-methyl and 2 hydroxide groups to chloride ions would only take a few steps and therefore it is highly conceivable that the makers of splenda produced sucralose from a process that involes sucrose. In layman’s terms, no reason not to think that splenda is “made from sugar”.
about 4 years ago I consumed about 2 boxes a week thinking splenda was a pure natural product. after 1 and a half years of consuming, Istarted feeling bad, like I was turning to stone, like someone was stabbing me simotaneosly, went from 130 lbs down to 100, my sho size from 6 and a half to size 9, when friends called, couldnt remember names, fog brained, scatterd brain, and now I cant conume any product containing aspartame or msg or maltodextrine without laying on the floor unable to get up and in such hrrible pain. Its probably been 2 or 3 years now since I called the 800 number on the box of splenda and asked them why why dont they put wrning lable that tells of ill effects such as what I has suffered? The denied their product could do harm. Now i have no coice but to eat things at home made from scratch. Like this last weekend I consumed 1 Johnsonville italian brat friday nite, the results were pain and agony diarheaa, asking god to take me, read the lable, msg and dextrose were what hurt me.I suffered alot,before learning what hurt me, I was on the couch for a year, .my better half said I hope you find out what is hurting you, I cant take care of you, youll have to go to a nursing home. Splenda was the last thing i thought then . cause you dont hurt when you first take it, it must be an accumulative effect. from the hell Splenda put me through, example it took 3 months before the circulation in my feet came back, and when it did, I felt warm gushes in my veins in my feet, if you are hurting, cut out splenda products for 7 days then take adrink with splenda, and youll fall over in pain in about 5 minutes after you consume it and youll know that splenda is sweet poison. It took me ayear to gain my weight drinking 1 gallon of chocolate milk every night.
That was almost believable, until the last sentence. Everyone knows it is impossible to drink a gallon of milk in an hour. After a litre or two you will have no stomach compacity left and your stomach empties into your small intestine at about 1-3 mL per minute making it impossible to drink a gallon of milk at a time without vomiting.
A good point…but I think its safe to say that anyone who claims to be trying to gain back muscle weight using chocolate milk has bigger problems than stomach capacity. Like what color the flying elephants are.
About the inability of a person to drink a gallon of milk in an hour. It sounds pretty scientific to say that the stomach only holds a lier and empties at such and such a rate, but people can do it. I was at a charity fundraiser and saw two people hold down a gallon each in under an hour, no vomiting. Some stomachs are bigger than others, and perhaps water gets absorbed right from the stomach lining. But it can be done.