My word-a-day e-mails follow a different theme each week, and last week’s concerned eating and drinking:
1. Inclined to excessive drinking.
2. Tipsy.
[From Latin ebrius (drunk). Two cousins of this word are inebriated and sobriety.]
[Blogger’s speculation: possibly related to Arabic word ibrik?]
A morbid aversion to food
[From Greek sito- (food) + -phobia (fear, aversion).]
The word is also spelled as sitiophobia. Two related words are sitomania
(abnormal craving for food), and sitology (the study of nutrition).
1. Excessive appetite or eating.
2. The habit of feeding on many kinds of food.
[From Modern Latin, from Greek polyphagia, from polyphagos, from poly- (much, many) + phagy (eating).]
Overly fond of drinking.
[From Latin bibere (to drink).]
After a meal, especially dinner.
[From Latin post- (after) + prandium (meal). Ultimately from Indo-European root ed- (to eat or to bite) that has given other words such as edible, comestible, obese, etch, and fret.]
Two siblings of this word are preprandial (before a meal) and prandial (relating to a meal).