• 24Feb

    ParadiseFound.gifJust to show how ahead of common herd we are, Consumer Reports followed our lead on Cold Stone Creamery with their own expose in the current March 2005 issue, page 8-9 (you can access their website www.comsumerreports.org by subscription only).
    They Say:
    “The sum of a Stone Cold creation was better than its parts”.
    The ice cream when sampled alone was not as good as either Haagen Dazs or Ben & Jerry’s or even gummy and mild Baskin Robbins. Just average. With mix-ins, taste improved dramatically covering defects in texture and adding flavor complexity.
    Other conclusions: Cold Stone costs about the same as the others ounce for ounce but since the smallest serving they sell is 6 oz, each individual serving is more expensive than the others. They also tell you to be sure to grab plenty of napkins – the cups are usually filled to overflowing. We know, we know.
    -mhf, guest blogger

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  • 24Feb

    chocolate.bmpToday’s Haiku:
    They have vitamins!
    They are so vital for health!
    Feh. Veggies bore me
    Yesterday’s Menu:
    Grilled steak with Montreal Steak Seasoning on it, no sugar yoghurt smoothie, two hard boiled eggs, some low fat cottage cheese, a cheeseburger sans bun, and a Scotch and soda at Bluestate.
    I feel
    Could be worse. I’ve finally discovered the world of no-sugar-added products- Peanut butter made with Splenda, chemical strawberry yoghurt, blue cheese dressing made from artificial flavoring, creamer, and more Splenda, and no-sugar chocolate mouse. Lets hear it for the diabetic-food section at Giant.
    Today’s Recipe: Chocolate Popsicles

    • Mix 1.5 cup skim milk, 1 Tbsp cocoa powder, and 3 packets Splenda
    • Pour into popsicle molds or an ice cube tray to freeze
    Permalink Filed under: Etc, Recipes 1 Comment
  • 23Feb

    Not sure what you’re doing tonight? I’ll tell you what you’re doing tonight, you’re going to Cafe Saint-Ex for Bluestate to watch DCFUD bloggers nm and rj3 get their groove on. Oh yes you are.
    zaf and amg will be the two kids ogling the beer while morosely sipping diet soda.


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  • 18Feb

    IMG_1276.jpgToday’s haiku:
    Chocolate cake dancing
    Over rolling muffin hills
    The alarm clock rings
    Yesterday’s menu
    A whole green pepper, half a bag of almonds, half a cucumber, three-cheese omelet with mushrooms. Roasted Chickpeas, and a big old chunk of mahi-mahi. And some more almonds. And peanuts.
    I feel:
    Carb craving, but full. You can say this about South Beach, you can’t eat anything tasty but at least you don

  • 18Feb

    picsideways2.jpgSo apparently I’m not the only person who saw Sideways and immediately went out to try a Pinot Noir. Much thanks to Amalglife for spotting this article in the Washington Post about skyrocketing Pinot Noir sales from movie publicity.
    Apparently more than half the wine sales at Firefly (1310 New Hampshire Ave.) this season were Pinot Noirs…. i still prefer something that doesn’t taste sour the second you eat it with food tho.

  • 17Feb

    eggs.bmpToday’s haiku:
    In omelets or poached
    no matter how many eggs,
    I miss my pasta
    Yesterday’s menu:
    Three hard boiled eggs, a piece of turkey, decaf tea with splenda and low carb creamer, a chunk of lowfat cheese, a whole lot of pecans. A garlic/5-spice steak, saut

    Permalink Filed under: Etc, Recipes 1 Comment
  • 17Feb

    Well lookit that, DCFUD is in today’s express talking about our list of DC wireless hotspots. Just for the record, the long address they printed isn’t necessary – you can reach us at www.dcfud.com.
    Thanks Express, Yay!


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  • 16Feb

    south_beach_diet_small.jpgAlright folks, this is it.
    Under the very bad influence of rj3 and an inability to fit into my awesome leather jeans amg and zaf have decided to become less round. Are we going to excercise more? No. Are we going to reduce caloric intake? No. Are we going to amputate a limb? Maybe.

    Permalink Filed under: Etc 3 Comments
  • 14Feb

    figure1.gifThe controversy over Splenda is taking D.C. by storm, and we’re not just talking about our website.
    The Center for Science in the Public Interest, the National Grange and the U.S. Sugar Association held a press conference at the National Press Club downtown this morning to discuss concern among consumer groups about Splenda’s advertising claims.
    In a statement, CSPI executive director Michael Jacobson calls Splenda’s advertising claims “misleading” and says the company should be more upfront about the substance’s relationship to sugar.
    “Splenda’s artificiality may present a marketing challenge, but that’s not an excuse to confuse consumers and lead them to believe that Splenda is natural or in any way related to sugar,” Jacobson said in the release.
    Our Splenda-obsessed writers will keep you updated on the fallout from this latest segment of the saga.

    Permalink Filed under: Etc 6 Comments
  • 12Feb

    20050207-Presidentialche_1.jpgThanks lots to Skunkeye for this link about the firing of Walter Scheib III, the White House Chef.
    Apparently, he was already angry about being told that using French recipes and cooking techniques is “unpatriotic”… and being forced to “honor the brand names represented by more than a dozen top GOP and Bush campaign donors” during his inaugural meal.
    Alright, the above article is satire, but it is confirmed he’s leaving becasue of “stylistic differences with the first lady”. She prefers barbequed possum
    This guy is my new hero.

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