Thanks to The List for this one. You too can “Test Your Chops.”
I’m tempted to throw some beef recipes into the competition. Ah, you can also submit veal recipes. The deadline is May 21, and the event is June 12th and 13th.
I wonder – if you get free admission to the Food & Wine Festival if you are a finalist.

Also, at the Food & Wine Festival at National Harbor:
Calling all foodies! Local celebrity chefs will become the sous chef to an amateur foodie. Each duo will compete to create the most delicious dish inspired from a pot of secret ingredients!
If you love throwdowns, showdowns and other cooking competitions, you will want to be at The Food & Wine Festival at National Harbor on Sunday, June 13 to watch (or participate) in this fun competition! Three attendees will be plucked from the audience (will it be you?) to compete in creating the best dish. These newly toqued chefs will be paired with Carla Hall, Top Chef Finalist; Jeff Tunks, chef and owner of DC Coast, TenPenh, Ceiba, Acadiana and PassionFish; and Roberto Donna, chef and owner of Gallileo III. Let your imagination run wild and join us for this fun event.
Interested in competing? All attendees on Sunday, June 13 are eligible to be selected to compete. Stop by the Viking Stage on Sunday, June 13 any time before 3:00pm and tell our emcee, Michael Birchenall of Foodservice Monthly, why you want to compete and he will drop your name in our chef’s hat. Then be there at 3:30pm when we pull a name from the hat!
Several judges will judge the three dishes and the winner will be awarded a fantastic prize provided by one of our exhibitors or sponsors