This is one of those dishes that just crept up on me – building from a variety of ideas drifting through my head all day, looking for purchase. I’d had the sprouts for a while, and they needed eating. I’ve been roasting the sprouts with garlic, to lovely effect, but knew even when I bought these that this time, I wanted something different.
Watching Bourdain scarf down a gorgeous-looking soy green soup with chili sauce in Shanghai, I wanted chili sauce.
Here’s what I did:
Clean and halve the sprouts. Toss them in a pan with about 1.5 tablespoons mirin, over medium heat, and cover. Leave them to caramelize, stirring every 5 minutes, until they’re almost done. Now toss in your garlic.
While cooking, add about 3 teaspoons of chili sauce and equal volume cream to a glass or small mixing bowl and stir like hell to emulsify. Add fish sauce if you’re so inclined (I did).
Turn up the heat on your pan to medium-high (maybe a bit more) and stir in the sauce – it’ll scald fast, and that’s good. Let it cook till it’s just a sticky coating on the sprouts, and they are just barely done. Transfer to a serving vessel, and cover. Now, deglaze your pan with rice wine, letting it reduce about 3/4 to a nice rich sauce. Pour that over your sprouts.
I ate mine over scrambled egg whites, because I felt like it. The eggs sopped up the extra sauce, which was lovely, and also made me feel better about all that cream, by not having yolks.
(Photo by Johnsu)