Burritos have been street food in DC for years but tend to be the vegetarian variety as witnessed in last year’s DCFUD article: A Tale Of Two Burrito Stands.
Colin Hudson has opened a non vegetarian burrito stand called “The Burrito Box” in Ballston near the Ballston Mall and 30 feet from Pupatella.
I’ve tried his (vegetarian) tortilla soup, but he has since upgraded it; I’ll try it again soon. The beef and chicken burrito included corn, black beans, onions, peppers, and a green salsa. It was good although the beef was a tad tough but he uses a lower fat cut of meat. In general, the stand leans towards lower fat options (and has vegetarian options as well). He does a good job of mixing up the ingredients in the burrito so that the rice is coated and flavorful.
Burrito Box is a new stand, and a work in progress. Colin just upgraded from hand-written to self-printed menus and will get laminated menus soon. He is
also still working on the menu.
Stop by, get some takeout, give him some foodback, and give him a reason to stick it out all winter in the freezing cold.
- Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 10:00 am for breakfast (breakfast burritos etc.) and 11:30am-3:00pm for lunch.