I used a version of this (and came in 2nd place) at So You Think You Can Grill at The National Harbor Food & Wine Festival last weekend using Himalayan sea salt, Blue Ridge Dairy smoked Mozzarella, Farmer’s Market Eggs, and Whole Foods veal.
Too complicated for 45 minutes with a small grill and a small frying pan, though – it was difficult to manage all the components in the contest setting, but it was still fun. I did win prizes though.
This is actually a picture of the stovetop version (and also has lettuce) – I’ll update with pictures from the contest soon. The crowd was great. Thanks for the support.
Oh, and Lisa Shapiro was was one the judges. Was it better than judging Pizza Mart vs. Jumbo Slice, Lisa?
Fried Fried…Veal burger! (If it’s stove top, it’s Fried, Fried, Fried):
-2 lbs ground veal (Giant sells it, or ask your butcher to make some).
-4 extra large eggs
-2 medium Yukon gold potatoes, slices into rounds
-One smoked mozzarella (Clarendon and Penn Quarter market have a mozzarella vendor that carries it. Many supermarkets have it as well.)
-4 buns, on the large side. Seeded or not.
-kosher (or sea) salt and freshly ground pepper
Make four 1/4 lb burgers with a small chunk of smoked mozzarella inside each. I used chunks the size of the upper digit of my thumb, but in a ball shape. The important thing is that the cheese must be completely surrounded by meat (well sealed).
Cook the burgers in a pan (with a little olive oil) or on the grill. Kosher or sea salt and fresh ground pepper prior to cooking. Cook them to your desired level of doneness…but I cook them medium or so.
In another pan (at the same time) fry the potatoes (sliced in rounds) until golden brown. Salt them.
Fry the eggs. You want the yolks to be fluid -over easy or sunny side up – also use a little salt.
Slice and toast the rolls. Place the burgers on the bottom, then the fries, then the fried egg goes on top.
I combined some of my favorite things (burgers, fries, fried eggs)…and happened to have farmer’s market mozzarella on hand. I like the textural differences in this sandwich.